
Many people have said that the ‘Tour du Canada’ is a “journey and not a destination”. The past 2.5 months has been a journey of many respects. It has been physical journey as I regularly climbed on my bike and over the course of 72 days migrated from west to east over 7,500 kilometers of Canada’s vast geographic expanse - from the Pacific to the Atlantic. It has also been an emotional and, dare I say it, ‘spiritual’ journey. A journey through which I feel I have ‘discovered’ Canada and come to better understand how I fit into the social and cultural geography of a country for which I long proudly claim citizenship but hardly knew.

Jun 25, 2008

Frankie Goes to Hollywood - "Relax"

Oh oh
Relax don't do it
When you want to go to it...

- Frankie Goes to Hollywood - "Relax"

Merritt - REST DAY
I woke up with a minor headache – I blame the altitude and the exercise..!! Putting the pieces together from the pubcrawl the previous evening we recalled that there were some high-potential breakfast areas in town. We were sooo right – a huge (HUGE) hot breakfast was served up at the local diner with real, unlimited coffee. It was exactly what we needed..!

As part of our adventure into town we also found the local Laundromat which was also completely decked out in the latest country western look. There was a photo of nearly every possible country western singer hanging on the walls – all framed and all very tastefully done. It was actually a huge place and I don’t think they’d ever seen so much lycra invade the building at once..!

We all then split off and headed our own separate ways to explore the town, head to Walmart, look for Starbucks and get reacquainted with the outside world. It’s strange – in this sort of environment it’s so easy to forget what day of the week it is or that there are things going on in the world… I genuinely and well and truly feel as though I am on holidays..!

The rest of the day was totally relaxing and we ended it back at the pub with a fantastic huge meal. All in all, a great day and exactly what we all needed as we prepared to ease into the saddle again for our journey from Merritt to Pritchard…!

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